2022-2023 Membership Dues for NEW Members

Enhance your speaking career with NSA North Texas!

Would you like more standing ovations, more bookings and the skills to run your speaking business more effectively? Then you need to become a member of the National Speakers Association of North Texas!

NSA North Texas (NSA-NT) is an organization for professional speakers and people who aspire to join their ranks. We are a chartered chapter of the National Speakers Association (NSA), and share a common mission. We are dedicated to advancing the art and value of experts who speak professionally.

NSA North Texas is a caring and sharing network where you can find support and friendship with fellow speaking professionals. If you are serious about speaking — you need to join us!

And if your speaking career is just beginning, you're in the right place. 

What Are Just a FEW of The Benefits?

  • Network and develop relationships with established speakers

  • Visibility to meeting planners, speaker bureaus and other potential customers

  • Extensive professional development with the masters at affordable prices

  • Actionable ideas to grow your speaking business

We hope you will join NSA North Texas. You will find membership fun, professionally rewarding and an opportunity to excel.

Come Join us!

This is a new system implemented in 2021- You will need to set up a new login and password. 

Ready to Join?  

Complete this checkout and online payment.  

Have questions or any issues with joining- contact:

[email protected]

What Our Members Are Saying:

Everything, EVERYTHING, I’ve learned about speaking, writing, and making a living through professional speaking is from the information, people, and connections I made in NSA and NSA North Texas. NSA North Texas – If you want to make money speaking, you must join and attend this community.

Linda Swindling, JD, CSP

The biggest benefit of NSA is having access to powerful educational material and valuable networking. Both are an integral part of my professional development and the continued growth of my speaking and consulting business.

Willie Jay Johnson

I loved to speak and had been a trainer for a few years for other companies. The day I walked into NSANT in 1995 is the day I turned what I loved to do into a full time business. 22 years and going strong.

Michael Hoffman, CSP

Will Rogers famously said, “Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.” What I love about the NSANT chapter is that statement in reverse: “Everybody is brilliant, only on different subjects.” The group has so much talent and expertise to share. I rarely attend a meeting that I don’t meet someone with a huge knowledge base that’s intriguing or helpful to me in some way.

Dianna Booher, CSP, CPAE

My only true regret in life is that I didn’t join the National Speakers Association 30 years earlier. I always say the lessons that NSA teaches you about, well, all of life, serve you so well in every capacity, no matter your profession, skill level or area of expertise. The reason is the people, and how they are so willing to share their knowledge and experience. You learn how to share what is uniquely you to help others, and you learn how to do it with flair, originality, timeliness and humor. NSA is a potent force for good.

Dave Lieber, CSP

Monthly dues of $19 per month

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Your card on file will be charged $19 a month starting now until canceled or upgraded. 

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